ARRS – Sizing

Platform for the Governance of the Sizing of Organizational Structures.

The ARRS platform enables end-to-end management of the stages of the organizational sizing process, enhancing the ability to support strategic and operational choices and reducing errors associated with manual information processing and management.

This solution allows over time to maintain productivity levels consistent with strategic choices to target the best production frontier, in a context that also ensures equity in workloads by pursuing continuous improvement objectives.

Manage the status of a given sizing performed

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Sizing processes

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Sizing at the professional role level

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Sizing at the facility level

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Identifying processes with the greatest absorption of job time

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Determining imbalances in facility workloads

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Allocating optimal staffing levels compared to sustainable operations

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Sizing by service model

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Acquire, Validate and Transform input information through tailored workflows


Calculate and process sizing through tailorable Right Real Size algorithms


Summarise input data, configurations, analysis data, and results


Represent findings through tailorable dashboards that can be browsed and used among many devices

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Decision Making


ARIS Platform

Business Transformation

Aris Risk & Compliance Management

Governance Risk & Compliance

Agile App
Low Code Platform

Cloud Applications

GRC Platform

Governance Risk & Compliance


Sizing and governance of organizational structures

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CONSENSO DELL'INTERESSATO AL TRATTAMENTO DI DATI PERSONALI Ai sensi dell’art. 7 del Reg. UE 2016/679, autorizzo IMC Group al trattamento dei dati personali e ad essere ricontattato, a seguito di Mia richiesta, per ricevere informazioni, anche relative ai prodotti/servizi e per esigenze interne di tipo operativo o gestionale.