Decision Making


MeetingLean is the perfect tool to support idea generation and sharing processes within innovation, R&D and corporate top management groups.

The MeetingLean web-based platform is an innovative tool to support internal working groups aimed at managing meetings to quickly reach a shared “solution.” MeetingLean is developed based on a specific approach to ensure effectiveness in achieving a specific goal and efficiency in optimizing the allocation of resources in business decisions.

The phases of a winning decision-making process


Fast and efficient.

Entirely web-based and user-friendly.

Outlines shared and widely accepted choices.

Ensures anonymity of responses to break down barriers and relational bias.

Able to involve different roles and individualities.

Can be used by all businesses in any sector and for any decision-making problem.

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Looking forward to our solutions?


Decision Making


ARIS Platform

Business Transformation

Aris Risk & Compliance Management

Governance Risk & Compliance

Agile App
Low Code Platform

Cloud Applications

GRC Platform

Governance Risk & Compliance


Sizing and governance of organizational structures

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CONSENSO DELL'INTERESSATO AL TRATTAMENTO DI DATI PERSONALI Ai sensi dell’art. 7 del Reg. UE 2016/679, autorizzo IMC Group al trattamento dei dati personali e ad essere ricontattato, a seguito di Mia richiesta, per ricevere informazioni, anche relative ai prodotti/servizi e per esigenze interne di tipo operativo o gestionale.