Law No. 262 of 2005 introduced, for Italian listed companies, the mandatory appointment of the “Manager in charge of drafting accounting documents.” In particular, it assigns to this role the responsibility for preparing adequate administrative and accounting procedures for the preparation of the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements in the case of the Group, as well as any other communication of a financial nature.
A2A, which is obliged to comply with this rule as it is listed together with some of the companies in the group, has expressed the need to make the entire Risk Management System 262 until now managed through manual activities and office automation tools such as mail, excel and word more effective and efficient.
IMC, in partnership with BIP, supported the Group in the definition and implementation of a technological infrastructure using the ARIS platform (by Software AG) capable of facilitating, digitizing and supporting all phases of the 262 risk management, controls and audits process, from the detection of companies in scope to the automatic scheduling of audits on the controls put in place, from the preparation and archiving of the documentation necessary for the evaluation of controls to the related reporting and monitoring.
The project enabled not only the digitization of the entire management process but also the construction of monitoring dashboards to facilitate the Government of regulatory obligations.
A2A S.p.A. is an Italian multi-utility, operating in the environment, energy, heat, networks and smart city technologies sectors. It is active in the production, distribution, and sale of electricity (among the leaders in Italy in terms of installed capacity), gas, waste management, environmental services, and the development of products and services for energy efficiency, circular economy, electric mobility, and smart cities.
Goals achieved
- Automatic identification of companies in the perimeter from the acquisition of individual years' revenue and asset tabulations for individual companies
- Automatic workflow for Risk Assessment 262
- Automated workflow for audit management
- Automated workflow for corrective action management
- Automation of semi-annual consolidation of the assessment of Controls
- Automation of repository for document management
- Reporting and Monitoring Dashboards for Control Assessment Campaigns
Functions engaged
- Compliance
- Organization