Banco di Desio e della Brianza: Improving internal communication and compliance

Banco di Desio e della Brianza implements Control Communication Manager

Banco di Desio e Della Brianza turned to IMC in order to make coordination between the various areas of corporate responsibility more effective and to reduce the amount of time and resources required to be compliant with Legislative Decree 231/01 regulations.

The project featured the implementation of the Control Communication Manager platform capable of managing communications between HR management and the entire staff regarding Legislative Decree 231/01 issues. The platform permits opening a communication section by distributing relevant documents. The staff, informed by e-mail, accesses it and downloads the document, confirming that they have received it correctly and have acknowledged its contents. The project has seen substantial savings in paper to be signed and man days to be spent collecting signatures of acknowledgement.


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Banco di Desio e della Brianza S.p.A. is an Italian credit institution based in Desio (MB). It has branches mainly in Lombardia and subsidiaries in Lazio, Tuscany and Veneto.

In 2014, with the entry of Banca Popolare di Spoleto, The Banco Desio Group has a distribution network of about 280 branches in ten regions in central and northern Italy.