A2A: a framework for the digitalization of the Regulatory Body

The A2A Group, in pursuit of the ongoing improvement process undertaken several years ago, expressed the need to redesign the logics and tools for the management of the Regulatory Body, considered an enabling and facilitating element for the business.

IMC, in partnership with BIP, supported the Group in defining and implementing the Framework for the representation of Processes and Procedures.

The activity was carried out using a project approach organized in phases where, through thematic workshops, functional requirements for information representation and governance were identified. Using the ARIS platform (by Software AG), the taxonomy of processes, the method of representation of organizational structures, roles and responsibilities, application systems to support the performance of activities, and the method of representation of process flows were defined. Processes for managing and governing information and procedures were defined and digitized for both the collaborative part of content construction and the authorization part for publishing procedures on the internal portal.

The A2A Organization could thus start the path of powering and updating information content in digital mode, allowing all personnel to access it through a special process portal, eliminating paper and any other form of waste.

A2A S.p.A. is an Italian multi-utility, operating in the environment, energy, heat, networks and smart city technologies sectors. It is engaged in the production, distribution, and sale of electricity ( a leader in Italy in terms of installed capacity), gas, waste management, environmental services, and the development of products and services for energy efficiency, circular economy, electric mobility, and smart cities.

Goals Achieved

Functions engaged

Technology solution implemented