Aris Risk & Compliance Management

Governance Risk & Compliance – ARCM

Management of risk, compliance as well as an effective internal audit process are key to a banking and insurance company’s success in an increasingly complex and changing regulatory environment. Risk and compliance management with ARIS Risk & Compliance (by Software AG) deploys a process-focused approach for implementing and maintaining an integrated enterprise-wide risk and compliance management system effectively.

The ARIS ARCM module consists of integrated control systems management (GRC) solutions and is natively integrated with ARIS Enterprise. The solution is perfect for companies that want to ensure full risk control and adequate compliance.

The following describes what
ARIS Risk & Compliance Management can do:

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From identifying, documenting and analyzing risk to monitoring it by running risk assessment campaigns

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Manage workflows to identify, manage and report accidents and losses (Loss Data Collection)

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Define controls relevant to business risks. Create workflows to perform tests and ensure results are reported for auditing.

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Plan, manage and perform audits and achieve a seamless audit trail in an integrated system and process-aligned database.

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Verify that employees follow standard operating procedures and ensure they have understood new processes, policies and guidelines

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Ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation. Support compliance by conducting data protection impact assessments, investigations, and policy management.

Powered by

We have developed specific customizations of the ARIS platform (by Software AG) for the Banking and Insurance sectors. The solution is ideal for companies that want to document, analyze, and standardize their processes and ensure full control of risks and adequate compliance.


INTERNAL AUDIT Repository Check List, Check Evidence, Audit Plan, Audit Management Workflow, Action Plans and Follow up
262/05 MANAGEMENT Risk/Control and Test Repository, Test Execution Plan, Test Execution Workflow (TOD and TOE), Action Plans and Follow up workflow, Periodic and Operational Reports
FOI OUTSOURCINGS Workflow Outsourcing/FOI Registry, Vendor and Contracts Registry Dashboards Monitoring and Analysis. Regular and operational reports.
COMPLIANCE Regulatory Alert, Legal Inventiory, Opinion Management, compliance Risk Assessment, Repository Check List, interface vs. external infoprovider (Matrico, ABI), regular and operational reports
231/01 MANAGEMENT. Crime Risk Repository 231/Protocols, Workflow Risk Assessment, Workflow Action Plans and Follow up, Regular and Operational Reports
LINE CHECKS Line Controls and Check Evidence Repository, control execution workflow, anomaly resolution workflow, regular and operational reports
2ND LEVEL CREDIT CONTROLS Repository 2nd Level Controls, repository anomalous positions, workflow checks and resolution anomalous positions, regular and operational reports
GDPR Processing register management, DPIA workflow, Data Breach workflow Communications Management with Authorities and players engaged, regular and operational reports
AML Planning and execution of AML controls, management of outlier positions and follow up, repository of controls and check lists, repository of outlier positions, document repository, regular and operational reports
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Decision Making


ARIS Platform

Business Transformation

Aris Risk & Compliance Management

Governance Risk & Compliance

Agile App
Low Code Platform

Cloud Applications

GRC Platform

Governance Risk & Compliance


Sizing and governance of organizational structures

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CONSENSO DELL'INTERESSATO AL TRATTAMENTO DI DATI PERSONALI Ai sensi dell’art. 7 del Reg. UE 2016/679, autorizzo IMC Group al trattamento dei dati personali e ad essere ricontattato, a seguito di Mia richiesta, per ricevere informazioni, anche relative ai prodotti/servizi e per esigenze interne di tipo operativo o gestionale.